If you are searching for information on "Knee Pillow," chances are you've already established that you need one and is searching for more information.
If you aren't sure why you would need one in the first place, you can refer to this article where I went more in-depth on the cause for back pain from sleeping, and why you should use a knee pillow sleep pain-free once again.
See our Side Sleeper Knee Pillow
In this article, we are focusing on the various benefits of sleeping with a knee pillow.
The benefits of sleeping with a knee pillow
- Stabilizing and balancing your hip to reduce the pull on your spine and lower back, thus minimizing back pain.
- Helps achieve spine alignment by positioning your lower legs in accordance with optimal anatomical alignment.
- Alleviate stress from knee stacking by distributing the pressure evenly on thighs while properly spacing them to align your hip and thus your spine.
- Promote blood circulation throughout your lower body, reducing muscle soreness and tension.
Benefits for people with minor sciatica
- Lessen tension on sciatic nerves by leveling the legs between hip and knee.
- Open up the leg and hip slightly through proper spacing to reduce pressing on sciatic nerves.
Benefits for pregnant women
- Help relieve hip & sciatica geometry, evenly distribute hip pressure to the thigh for a more balanced and relaxed lower body posture–leading to more restful sleep.
- Stimulate and promote lower body blood circulation.
- If used in conjunction with a pregnant stomach wedge can induce spine alignment and reduce stress on lower back, reducing significant lower back pain.
See our Side Sleeper Knee Pillow
You can also read this article by our friends at Sleep Advisors on the best pillows for side sleepers here.
Please share with a friend or a loved one that is suffering side sleeping back pain to help them find comfort!
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