Wake Up Reason #1 - Insomnia
Pro Tip 1
Avoid Naps - Fight the temptations to nap as to prevent a disruption to your sleep routine. If you need to take a nap, limit it to 10~20 minute power naps to minimize the effect it has on your nighttime rest.
Avoid caffeinated Drinks after 6 - Cut down on tea and coffee consumption as you approach the evening. Excess caffeine intake late at night can lead to too much excitement or jittery for your body to prevent it winding-down for bedtime.
Don't eat large portion meals before bedtime - Try to eat on time and in appropriate portions. Eating large meals just before you sleep may induce Gastroesophageal Reflux, also known as stomach acid reflux, causing irritation and discomfort, the opposite of relaxing.
Wake Up Reason #2 - Sleep Apnea
Select the right pillow - You want to maximize the airflow of your airways so your breathing can be unrestricted and free-flowing, This can be achieved by carefully selecting the correct pillow height with built-in neck support. You would want to look for a pillow height and contour that cradles your neck without inducing your chin to dip into your neck.
Our neck support contour pillow does an excellent job offering great neck support while keeping your airway parallel to your chest for easy breathing. Our shredded memory foam pillow is adjustable so you can achieve your ideal pillow height by following the instruction in the box as well. Based on our lab research, the perfect pillow height for neck support should be around 4.2 inches for men and 3.5 inches for women.
See our line of sleep-inducing pillows help you sleep better.
Pro Tip 2
Use either decongestants or nasal strips to help open up your airway passages - In a test published by the American Journal of Rhinology, researchers evaluated the effect of nasal strips on improving respiration. Of the 26 test subjects, 19 participants experienced a noticeable improvement in breathing. We suggest using the nasal strip with the pillows recommended above for optimum effect.
Wake Up Reason #3 - Anxiety
Have a wind-down bedtime routine - Create your ownbedtime routine,this articlewill teach you how. The goal is to have a mental wind-down sequence through a series of mellow routines such as reading or meditation to signal to your brain to relax and prepare for bedtime.
Don't force yourself to sleep - Only go to bed when you are sleepy. Sleeping before you are tired will likely increase your anxiety if you can't fall asleep right away. If you can't fall asleep in 15 to 20 minutes, leave the bedroom and repeat your routine until you genuinely feel sleepy.
Try a weighted blanket - The concept behind a weighted blanket is to recreate the calming feeling of a warm hug by covering yourself with a blanket that weighs around 10% of your body weight. It works as a deep pressure touch stimulation, not unlike a deep massage that stimulates your brain to release serotonin and dopamine, in other words, making you calm & relaxed.
After several months of research & development, our all-new weighted blanket that's designed to help you sleep better is finally available.
See our Calm Embrace Weighted Blanket for deep restful sleep
Wake Up Reason #4 - Bathroom Break
Don't look at the clock - Most alarm clocks are backlit and can be too bright for your eyes in total darkness, furthermore, learning the time might trigger a series of mental calculation on the number of remaining hours left to sleep, causing anxiety and mental alertness to make it more difficult to go back to sleep. Just do your business and go back to bed.
Limit fluid intake before sleep - The main reason why you feel the urge to wake up to pee is due to excessive fluid intake before sleeping. Try having your last fluid intake two hours before sleep to allow your body to work through the excess fluids before bedtime.
Wake Up Reason #5 - Temperature - Too Hot

Set an ideal temperature - Set room temperature to 68 as the basis and adjust according to your preference. If you sleep with a partner with a different temperature preference, try setting the temperature between both of your preferences and individually compensate through sleepwear or comforter.
Wear breathable sleepwear - Look for sleepwear made with cotton and adjust according to seasons; short sleeves & shorts during summer, long sleeves, pants, & maybe socks in the winter. Breathable material such as cotton allows the body to regulate the body temperature within a small margin.
Use cotton duvet covers - Comforters can get quite expensive depending on the materials. Therefore, we suggest our readers focus more on using cotton or bamboo fiber duvets. The breathable nature of these duvets can help prevent heat buildup as you sleep through the night. You can work out a balance between your comforter and sleepwear to achieve ideal body temperature.
Pro Tip 4
Choose cooling pillows - Sleep on pillows with a bamboo fiber cover or one that features cooling cover design or gel-infused technology. Both of our pillows have these features and are designed to sleep cool. Steer away from generic pillows with polyester fills as they usually trap heat and sleep hot. Use cotton pillowcases can further improve breathability and help heat escape.
See our line of cool sleeping pillows help you sleep better.
Wake Up Reason #6 - Environmental Factors
Smart Devices
No smart devices usages prior to sleep - Establish a 30 minutes tech-free wind-down period before bedtime. Try reading a book or magazine instead to prepare your brain to relax and wind down mentally.

Excessive audio distractions
Earplugs & white noise machines - If your partner snores, earplugs are a great option to block out the noise. However, if you don't like sticking things in your ears, we highly recommend trying a white noise machine. The sound is naturally soothing and serves as the sound anchor for you to focus on, lulling you to sleep while blocking out external noises.
Get your partner a new pillow - As we discussed earlier, snoring is the result of breathing through a constricted or collapsed airway due to unnatural bending of the neck. This is usually caused by having a generic pillow with too much or too little neck support. Try swapping out his our her pillows with one that can adequately support the neck without inducing his or her chin to dip into the neck.
Both our new Ergonomic Contour Pillow & Cervical Pillow can help with that.
Wake Up Reason #7 - Lack Of Proper Body Support
This can be remedied with the right support, here is how:
Use a knee pillow - Knee pillows are leg pillows that fit between your thighs that helps you perfectly stack your legs, upright your hip, andrelease lower back pressure.By incorporating a knee pillow, you can expect spine alignment as well as better blood circulation. And because it helps you stack your legs perfectly, you can reduce restless leg syndrome and fall asleep faster & deeper.
See our Side Sleeper Knee Pillow
Use an ergonomic pillow - Neck support is crucial to comfortable sleep, many times, side sleepers have been woken up by excruciating neck pain due to lack of proper neck support. Side sleepers should look for a tall pillow while back sleepers should look for a medium height pillow, you can read about how to pick the right pillow for your sleep position here, or see ourhighly popular ergonomic pillow here,designed to help you seamlessly reposition from back to side sleeping while providing you pressure-relieving neck support.
We hope you‘ve enjoyed our guide and it was able to help you gain a better understanding of why you would wake up in the middle of the night and give you a better idea of what you can do to improve the situation.